Blyth Pods

Building Process


Building the pod is a fairly straight forward process; this is because all the metal components are fabricated off site in a factory which means that you don’t need to manufacture them on site. Although all of the carpentry needs to be done on site that means that it can be tailored to your needs with the greatest precision.
It is done in several stages

Stage One:

The collection/delivery of materials and tools for the site and the pod, this stage is when you set out the boundary of the site when using temporary fencing. Normally at this stage you take delivery of the components and organise the tools so you know where everything is at a moment’s notice.

Stage Two:

This is the stage where you build the structure of the pod. Base, walls and roof before you close the walls you have the first fix electrical work installed (wiring, conduit, junction boxes and back boxes) and the thermal insulation.

Stage Three:

Stage Three is the finishing touches, which is mainly carpentry work such as installing the floor boards and insulating under the floor. Then there are internal finishes such as the wall cover, floor cover and second fix electrical after that you have a pod which is pretty much finished and all you need to do now is clear up the site.


A timelapse has been included to show how the pod was constructed with greater detail than a decription of each stage.
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